About Me
- Name: Mrs. M
- Location: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
I am very blessed to have a wonderful family,a great husband and three beautiful little girls. I am looking forward to working with all of my wonderful Grade 7 and 8 students this year. We're going to finish this year off with a bang!!
Previous Posts
- Spending a few quiet days at home with the Chicken...
- Bailey was getting so bored being quarantined at h...
- Camping out in the backyard!
- Sarah couldn't let us go to sleep until we actuall...
- At the movie theatre downstairs with Kai
- Having a quick bite to eat and then back to work!!
- We think Kalen and Brennan actually really like Ba...
- Our motorbike baby!
- Brennan working hard! I know...there are child lab...
- Kalen working hard carrying away the old siding!
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